Welding Maintenance & Repair
Fabrication & Design
Production Parts
The Plane
Stainless Steel Joe was cutting a wall panel in a restaurant one day when he was approached by the owner asking if he could cut a plane up as easy as he was cutting the stainless steel.
After a long laugh and a sure I can I found myself 3 months later at Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport cutting apart a twin Cessna airplane, removing the wings, tail, and the engines. I will say this, jet fuel burns through face shields and skin.
The fuselage was transported to the owners property and later turned into a guest house. The tail and wings were cut using a 6" grinder with an aluminum cutting blade and a 16" aluminum cutting blade was used for the bigger cross sections.
We are used to working on out of the ordinary projects like this. After working in the shipbuilding industry you look at things differently when it comes to size and logistics.